Archive for January, 2010

Kung Fu

Posted in Uncategorized on January 21, 2010 by solc591

A  martial art is the best way to learn discipline and personal defence, one way to learn it is by going to kung fu classes.

When you go to kung fu classes everything is different, first you have to be focused and not be thinking about your personal problems, then you have to do exactly what the instructor says, for example if the teacher says to do 500 continuous exercises at least you have to try to and never say  ” I can`t “. You are supposed to wear the uniform everyclass and arrive early, when the class starts everybody does the same exercises and then you are separated by levels and continue practicing new skills. Sometimes when the class finishes, the instructor teaches us somethings about philosophy and gives us some advice, for improve our discipline.

The most difficult part about this discipline are some exercises and to be disciplined in what are you doing even when you feel tired. But  it´s good for your body and your mind.